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Floyd Primary Care Now Offering Virtual Visits
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Floyd Primary Care Now Offering Virtual Visits


​Floyd Primary Care is making it easier for patients to see a doctor, and they won’t even need to leave the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Virtual Visits are now available at all Floyd Primary Care offices, allowing patients to use video conferencing for most appointments. 

Virtual Visits offer some conveniences in our busy world:

  • No traveling is required.​
  • Childcare will not have to be arranged.
  • The visits can be done from the patient’s home or office.

Not every reason for an in-person office visit can be replaced by a Virtual Visit, but this gives patients more choices in planning their health care needs. Patients can even arrange for their initial visit to a provider to be a virtual one.

“Virtual Visits provide our patients with another safe and effective way to interact with their Floyd Primary Care providers,” said Matt Gorman, Vice President of Corporate and Network Services at Floyd.

“It’s important that patients continue to proactively manage their health, even in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Floyd providers will work with their patients to determine the most appropriate setting of care. If it’s determined that a patient needs to be seen in person, Floyd can continue to safely meet those needs.”

​To learn how you can set up a Virtual Visit, contact your doctor’s office. For a complete list of Floyd Primary Care providers, view our Primary Care locations or Floyd Pediatric locations​.