Hand Therapy
Illnesses that affect your hand or arm movement can have a huge impact on your life. If you've experienced an accident, had surgery or have arthritis, nerve disorders or other conditions that limit use and mobility of your hands and arms, we can provide therapy to help. Our goal is to help you get back to your normal activities as quickly as possible.
Certified Hand Therapists
Our experienced specialists are certified in hand therapy and will ensure that you get the best treatment possible. The certification process is rigorous with three years of clinical training and over 4,000 hours of hand therapy specific experience. You can be confident that our therapists will provide you with the highest quality care possible.
A Variety of Services to Meet Your Needs
Every patient has unique needs and goals. We offer a range of services and therapies to give you the most effective treatment and improved outcomes, including:
- Scar management
- Custom splint making
- Preventive, non-surgical treatments
- Management of sudden or ongoing pain
- Targeted home exercise programs to increase motion, movement and strength
- Teaching you new ways to perform daily tasks
Contact Us to Learn More about Hand Therapy
For more information about our hand therapy services or for assistance in making an appointment with one of our hand therapy specialists, call 706-509-3400.
Convenient Locations
With several convenient locations available for specialized hand therapy services, our team is ready to assist in your healing and recovery at the following locations: